Can data-driven consumer food subsidies help curb malnutrition in low-income settlements in the Mankhurd slum of Mumbai.
This ambitious endeavor was funded and supervised by the London Business School, London. It was an experimental research based on live data which aimed to collect first-hand evidence on nutrition and consumer behavior within the Mumbai slums by implementing a food subsidy program intervention. With a tentative duration of one year, including a two-month pilot study, our research endeavored to shed light on the efficacy of data-driven interventions in addressing malnutrition.

Information Experiment Research Project
It was funded by the London Business School and aimed to understand behavior changes through information communication and education. Collaborating with celebrities and stakeholders. In this Research, Specific audio and video content was sent to participants to gauge behavior change. Stay tuned for insights into the impact of communication and education on behavior change.

Smartphone Notification Project
Our Mobile Notification Project, funded by the University of Pensivelia, has just begun. It is an experimental research initiative aimed at understanding mobile data usage behavior and patterns across different internet domains. We are collecting data through a custom software application installed on participants' smartphones and a comprehensive questionnaire.

Mobile phone ban Experimental study
This experimental research is being funded by the University of Copenhagen. The study is currently being conducted across 19 universities and colleges in Odisha, and it aims to examine the impact of allowing or banning the use of mobile phones in the classroom.

Credit based Project
This project is funded by the University of Penusilva, the objective of the study is to see the change in credit-based behavior among low-income groups in urban areas.

Migrant Labor Project
An experimental research project to understand patterns of migrant labor and their types of work, funded and supervised by the University of Rochester and the University of Pennsylvania.