Amidst the narrow lanes of Mankhurd, hands weave dreams, resilience fuels survival, and every small craft tells a story of hope.
Her story is a testament to the resilience of women in urban slums who, despite systemic challenges, find ways to support their families. Small-scale livelihood activities like hers highlight the need for better financial inclusion, fair wages, and market access for informal workers. Empowering women in such settings can create pathways for sustainable economic growth and social change.
Threads of resilience woven with love—her hands craft beauty, her spirit builds a future.
15 professors from the University of Waston visited Mumbai’s Mankhurd-Mandala, exploring the stark contrasts of the city. Guided by Datum Works, they witnessed a 10x10 home-packed slum on one side and a high-rise corporate world just 30 minutes away. This eye-opening transition was more than research—it was an experience they truly felt.
Community connections through a new lens! ✨ Alp Sungu engaging with the vibrant kids of Mankhurd-Mandala, capturing the moment through a drone’s eye. Excitement, curiosity, and shared joy—this is what true engagement looks like!